A project contemplating human capital theory, neoliberalism, and capitalism through clothing.

In the spirit of its namesake, Karoshi: Suicide Salaryman (a bizarre indie game I stumbled upon as a child) this project considers the trope of workwear, its rigidity and redundancy amongst the debased working class.
            Spend any amount of time in the CBD and it becomes clear that workers have begun to shrug off tailoring as workwear. This also aligns with the conversations taking place around the gendering of clothing, the role of tailoring, and how work-from-home has affected the standards of dress following the return to forsaken office spaces.          

Created as an entry for Hokonui, one of New Zealand’s leading fashion awards, this outfit aims to challenge and transgress menswear as an archetype and consider the aesthetic of a dystopian working class not too dissimilar of our own.

Awarded Runner Up in the Open Menswear Category.

(2021) Hokonui Fashion Awards, Menswear Category Runner Up. Location: Massey War Memorial, Pōneke. Model: Trantham Gordon Photography, Clothing, and Styling: Matt Bartram